Pentonium has effectively resolved issues associated with freelancing. Here, we are trying to explain the working.
Over Pentonium anyone can act as a service provider as well as the client just by connecting their Metamask wallet. Once the wallet is connected, a service provider can post their service, they can fix the amount for their work (However, the price can vary depending on the level of the project demanded by the client) and time period of the project.
Once a client comes in and locks a deal, the amount from the wallet of the client gets locked in an escrow contract and the timer is activated. All the information shared between the client and the service provider goes through a decentralised end to end encrypted chat service.
After successful completion of the project within the time limit*, the client will hit the “PAY” icon and the amount will be transferred to the wallet of the service provider. However, service providers can use the ”Drop This Job” button to release the fund locked in the escrow contract. The fund will be sent back to the client. In case of dispute, both parties have to pay a fee for dispute resolution (If one party is to negate on depositing the fee, they would lose the case on the basis of non-participation). After the fee is received, the complete chat between them will be transferred to the Marshals (A marshal is anyone willing to dedicate his or her time and effort to help protect the network against fraud and bad actors for a reward.). These marshals want to be picked to arbitrate cases in this sub-court and thus get rewarded with the fee.
*Note: Time limit can be extended if both parties agree or raise a dispute before the timer is blown.
Marshals know about the subject, have worked in the industry and bring with them vast quantities of experience in that particular field. Once chosen, marshals are tasked with examining the evidence before voting in an A/B manner for the party they believe correct. At this point, the losing party has the ability to appeal should they feel so inclined.
About Pentonium
Pentonium is a decentralized freelancing platform that will create a global market for freelance talent
offering crypto-related services like solidity development, community management, exchange listings
related services and many more.
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